New Fee Structure
Annual Membership $20.00 per annum
Daily Door Fee $10.00 per visit (Includes 1 Raffle Ticket)
Life Members Door Fee $5.00 per visit (Includes 1 Raffle Ticket)
Additional Raffle Tickets to remain at $2.00
Just a quick update on the outcome of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on Monday 13th February 2023. After the Power Point presentation outlining the dire financial situation of the club, the members present realised that for the club to survive long term, our fees and charges need to increase.
In fact, the members voted to increase the daily fee more than the proposed fee suggested by the committee. This daily fee covers our two large expenditure items, rent on the Cavanbah centre and insurance
The new fees and charges will take effect from 1st April 2023, the start of the new financial year for the club.
Let’s hope these changes can put us in a better financial position. I for one would hate to see the Club fold up.
What is the position for tutors?
Tutors free. Nothing stopping you from voluntarily paying $10 (like me!)
Hi Ian,
My approach to the shortage of funds is to seek revenue in a new direction. I am working on a Business Plan to deliver “Short Courses”.
I will talk more soon.
Mike Collins