Useful Links

The absolute basics

New to computers? This is the perfect place to start. Learn the essentials of using a computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone, and find out about the internet, web browsers, web addresses and search engines.

All about Android phone

Getting started on your Android phone is easier than you may think. This topic shows you how to set up and customise your phone with helpful step-by-step videos and a fun interactive guide that shows you all the features you need to know about

All about Android tablet

New to the world of tablets? Learn how to get started on your Android tablet with helpful, step-by-step videos and a fun interactive guide that shows you all the features you need to know about.

All about Apple iPhone

Getting started on your iPhone is easier than you may think. This topic shows you how to set up and customise your iPhone with helpful step-by-step videos and a fun interactive guide that shows you all the features you need to know about.

All about Apple iPad

New to the world of tablets? Learn how to get started on your iPad with helpful, step-by-step videos and a fun interactive guide that shows you all the features you need to know about.

Identifying and avoiding scams

The rate of online scams is increasing and scammers are becoming more sophisticated in their approach to potential victims. These courses outline some of the most common online scams and how you can identify them. Learn what you can do to protect yourself from being scammed, and what to do in the unfortunate case that you’re the victim of a scam.

Windows laptop: Getting started

Set up and personalise your Windows laptop (or PC laptop) with helpful, step-by-step videos and a fun interactive guide that shows you all the features you need to know about.

Introduction to mobile banking

Online banking offers you the convenience of accessing your money at any time. This course shows you how online banking works on your computer, smartphone and tablet. We also have our very own pretend bank, Squirrel Bank, where you can practise key online banking tasks like paying bills, transferring money and checking your balance.

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