Our welcome morning tea is being postponed to 31st March due to the very wet weather. Although the forecast for the 24th indicates showers with some sunshine, the ground at the Botanical Gardens will still be very wet. I think we will all be glad to see the end of the rain!!
Welcome Morning Tea
Wednesday 31st March at Coffs Botanical Gardens
Start time: 11:00am
Cost: $10.00 (includes all eats + 2 raffle tickets)
Other Stuff:
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Our Website: coffsseniorscomputerclub.org.au
Also check out our Tutorials and Online Resources page. There is not much there at present but as time goes by we will add more useful stuff. We are always open to suggestions for content. For this website to be useful to you we need feedback!
Ian Scott
ian.f.scott@bigpond.com 0409 766 698