Help for the Homeless Garage Sale 7th May

Not strictly club news more a helping hand for a worthwhile charity!

One of our long standing members Fay Rollans ran an Op Shop for Coffs Hope for Homeless. Unfortunately the lease ran out on their premises and they did not have the funds to lease a new shop so Fay has been running the Op Shop from home.

She would love to get her house back so Fay is running a garage sale this coming Saturday, 7th May to hopefully clear all her stock of good quality cloths. Have a look at Fay’s Facebook page Fays Fashions for what’s being sold

Fay’s place is 82 Roselands Drive, Coffs Harbour ( Map Reference ) Off Shephards Lane. Roselands Road is split in two, if you enter via Spagnolos Road you cannot get to Fay’s place.

1 thought on “Help for the Homeless Garage Sale 7th May”

  1. Pauline Campbell

    Hello Ian I have a new second hand computer having trouble marrying it up to my computer. Have had a few friends trying to help to no avail. Laurie has offered to come home but don’t like troubling him. I live in Coffs & wonder if any of the Youngster Co young members could help. I understand their home visits are $50 which I am prepared to pay. Ki ndly

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