Coffs Seniors Computer Club Social Outing
Wednesday 7th July

We tour the Blueberry factory at the old Bunnings site on the corner of Englands Road and Isles Drive at 10:00am. Covered in shoes (no thongs or sandals) must be worn and no loose jewellery to be worn. These are safety requirements of the Blueberry factory
Then off to visit the Woolgoolga Heritage Museum 10-12 River Street at 12:00pm.
Afterwards we go across the road to the Sikh Temple for a free vegetarian lunch at 12:30pm (Head to be covered Men and Ladies). Please notify us if anyone has any food allergies.

Please notify Phyllis Taylor by no later than Monday 28th of June if you are coming. Provide your own transport. Anyone who needs a ride to make their own arrangements with other members.
Phyllis’s contact details:
Phone: 6652 9545
Biggest Morning Tea
Our recent Biggest Morning Tea raised a fantastic amount of $550 for the Mid North Coast Cancer Institute. Tomorrow morning (24th) Mary and Phyllis will be presenting a cheque for $550 to the Cancer Institute at Coffs Harbour Hospital.