Coffs Seniors Computer Club Newsletter 9th July

COVID-19 Lockdown has been extended!!

So No Meeting on Monday 12th July 2021

If you are anything like me you are probably going a bit stir crazy because of this lockdown! The current rules (as of 10:30am 9th July) for regional NSW are:

  • Masks to be worn in all non residential buildings
  • No more than 1 person per 4 square metres (That means less than 40 people in Cavanbah Hall)
  • Everyone must check in using the Service NSW app

It is almost impossible to operate with our current classes and groups with these restrictions

Data Cleaning:

We are still cleaning up our data. You can greatly assist by filling in this form and providing your contact details. So far out of 110 members only 10 members have done so.

A bit of an explanation on why this is important. In the 20 odd years the club has been in existence we have never had a need to contact members urgently until the COVID-19 pandemic early last year. The process of collecting members data is:

  • At the start of each year each member filled in a membership form and paid their $10
  • The information on this form was then manually transcribed into an Excel spreadsheet.
  • I cant speak for everyone but I know my handwriting is degenerating into an illegible scrawl so this transcription process is fraught with errors.
  • Misspelling someone’s name doesn’t really matter but typos in E-Mail address means an invalid E-Mail address.
  • I am about to discover how many errors there are in mobile phone numbers!

Ideas from Members:

The idea of these regular newsletters is to provide, as the name implies, news to members. To make them relevant and interesting we need feedback and suggestion from you, the members. One suggestion our (unofficial) Social Secretary Phillis Taylor made is a brief biographical piece each newsletter on a member. I am sure lots of our members have led interesting personal and work lives that other members would be fascinated to learn about. Quite a few of our members were born overseas. Their early life growing up in another country would be interesting.

There is a lot of information about members that others may like to know, major birthdays, wedding anniversaries etc.

I am hoping to also include short technical tips from each of our tutors (Hint, hint!!) in each newsletter including ideas to help members get up to speed with technology.

It’s over to you!!!

Technical Tips:

Copying photos from phone to a Windows computer:

Need to get all the photos from your phone to your computer? There are several ways of doing this but the simplest is to use your phone USB cable. Here is what to do:

  1. Open up File Explorer on your computer (Windows + E)
  2. Expand ThisPC in the LH pane (Click the tiny arrow beside ThisPC)
  3. Plug your phone into a USB port on the computer. You should here a beep after a few seconds.
  4. Under ThisPC you should see a small phone icon and the name of your phone.
  5. RIGHT click on your phone and select “Import Pictures and Videos”
  6. Depending on how many photos you have after several minutes click Import when the box appears
  7. All photos will be copied to a folder under Pictures in File Explorer. The name of the folder is yyyy-mm-dd (the date you imported your photos)

These are obviously simplified instructions but should be enough to point you in the right direction. If you have problems ask one of our tutors.


  1. These instructions work for Android phones and iPhones and Windows PC. If you have an Apple Mac ask Garry Curtis.
  2. Some early USB cables supplied with phone chargers only supply power and not data. Listen for the beep after you plug in, no beep means a faulty cable

Online Resources:

Check out our Tutorials and Online Resources Page. It’s pretty threadbare at the moment but we will be adding more content in the future.

Ian Scott

PS: Gmail users, check your Spam folder for E-Mails from

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