With lots of luck the current COVID-19 lockdown will be lifted next weekend (10th and 11th) and life will be back to normal. No club meeting tomorrow 5th July. We are being guided by the NSW Government health advice so if the lockdown continues take that as a guide that the club will not be meeting. If restrictions are partially lifted we may reconvene but with limited numbers much like we did late last year. If our numbers are restricted to 10 to 20 we will implement an online booking system. Keep checking back on this website!
Blueberry Factory Visit Cancelled
Our planned visit to the Blueberry factory and Sikh Temple has been postponed to some future date because of COVIC-19.
Everyone get vaccinated ASAP and maybe life might return to normal (fingers crossed!)
Club Calendar on Website
We now have a calendar on the website so you can see what future events are coming up (Not much at the moment!). You will find the calendar on the main menu bar
Data Cleaning
Our database has been in a bit of a mess. The main culprit being typos in E-Mail addresses and phone numbers. It’s been a bit of a challenge getting in contact with all our members in these troubled times.
There are two things you can do to assist us in keeping our information up to date:
- Subscribe to this newsletter using the form on the home page of the website
- Filling in this Member Contact Details form
E-Mails and SMS Messages
A bit of a technical explanation about E-Mails. I am currently typing this message directly into the website. When I hit the Publish button the whole world can see it under Club News. At 11:00pm an E-Mail is sent to the subscriber list (the form you fill in on the home page). This is done using an E-Mail service called MailPoet.
I will copy everything from this page and paste it into a normal E-Mail to send to all members (If you have subscribed you will receive this message twice!). This poses a technical challenge that I was unaware of till a few days ago. I use my Bigpond account to send to 100 members. Because of the volume of messages sent at once, I think I am being put on some sort of Spam blacklist, some members are receiving the E-Mails, some aren’t. This time I will be sending this message in batches of about 10 which will take some time.
So, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE on the home page of the website.
SMS Text Messages. We are building up a list of mobile phone numbers and working on a method of being able to send out a bulk SMS message if there is urgent information we need to pass on to members. I know not all members are as diligent as me in reading their E-Mails. People are more likely to respond to an SMS text message than an E-Mail. (Bold assumption on my part!)
Did I mention Please subscribe to our newsletter?
I thought it may be of interest to all members if now and then we feature a member and their life history, eg., working career, sporting achievements places they have lived, schooling etc.
Great idea. I have lots of things in mind but first we need to get people used to looking at the website. Right now, 6:30pm 4th July, only 35 out of 106 members have subscribed
Thanks great ,
Well done Ian, Thanks for all the information. These times make life complicated indeed.
Still got lots of things to learn eh!
cheers Jenny
Hi Ian,
Great work with the Contact page. Would u be able to teach me , I would like to use it for Probus Club Coffs City Inc.
Cheers Mike Collins
President PCCC
Thank you Ian for the help you are giving the Computer Club keeping us all in the loop.
Well done Ian. Stories of our members sounds a great idea for the ones who want their past known. Some may have a secret past OH! AH!
Thank you Ian for keeping us up to date. Fingers crossed that we can kick this Covid very soon.