Coffs Seniors Computer Club Newsletter 4th August

Latest on COVID-19 Restrictions

I feel for the people of Sydney. The situation does not appear to be improving with the prospect of Sydney being locked down till the end of September. When the lockdown was first announced, most of us assumed it would be over in a couple of weeks and life could return to something like normal. Now it looks like the lockdown in Sydney could go on for months with no indication that the rules for regional NSW will be relaxed!

We are very lucky here in Coffs Harbour to have escaped so far. The events of Monday 19th July was a bit of a wake up call but thankfully we escaped without any positive cases. But all it needs is for one infected person to come to town and we could end up in lockdown.

Only one way out of this:

Get Vaccinated!!

Club Meetings restarting in the near future?

The committee is meeting on Monday 9th August to plan for the resumption of regular meetings sometime in the near future. We really need some feedback from you, the members, to guide us in making the best decision for the club. Whatever the committee decides we will keep you informed and give you plenty of notice via these newsletters.

Here is a summary of the feedback we would like from you.

  1. Mask Wearing. Under the current rules for regional NSW, masks must be worn in all indoor non-residential buildings. Some people have breathing issues and cannot wear a mask for long periods. Others, myself included, find them annoying but are willing to wear them to help curb the spread of viruses. Are you prepared to wear a mask for 2 1/2 hours?
  2. Attendance at Meetings. Whenever the club meets again in the near future, we need at least 20 members to attend to cover hire of Cavanbah Hall. Assuming all the current rules and restrictions remain in place, how likely are you to attend meetings?
  3. Any Comments or Suggestions. Whatever decision the club makes can have potential serious health implications for members. Any suggestions or comments you may have would be greatly appreciated.

Help Desk

Do you have any pressing technical issues that are driving you mad? Would you like some assistance, initially by phone or Email?

I have added a Help Desk page to the website, You will find it in the Menu bar at the top of the screen. Fill in the form with your name and contact details, a brief description of your problem (eg Email has stopped working) and a more detailed description, if possible, that will assist us in diagnosing your issue. One of our tutors will be in contact with you.

Suggestions for improving this Website

So far all content on this website has been created by me guessing what might be interesting to members. I really need feedback from you guys on what YOU would find interesting. This can be from a whole bunch of short tutorials on how to use phones, tablets, computers etc. With our 20th Birthday rapidly approaching (check out Club Calendar in the menu bar) there is a lot of historical information that we could scan and display so all members can read it.

Get Vaccinated!!


Ian Scott

9 thoughts on “Coffs Seniors Computer Club Newsletter 4th August”

  1. Hi Ian
    You are doing a good job of informing us of what’s going on. Much appreciated.

  2. Kim Horne & Laurie Woodward

    Hi Ian,
    Totally agree with Margaret, we appreciate receiving the Newsletter, keeps everyone updated with Club news and importantly the continuing situation with Covid.
    Keep safe. Kim & Laurie

  3. Sandra Edwards

    Thanks Ian ,
    I agree that you are doing a great job, keeping us all informed on club news and the COVID situation.keep well and safe!
    Regards Sandra Edwards.

  4. Mike Collins

    Hi Ian, Great job, would u teach me how u create these marvellous questioners
    Very happy to receive your newsletter.
    PS could the Council be asked for a reduced rental rate during their restricted attendance numbers?

    Probus meet at the RED-C (Old deep sea fishing club) They have large rooms and place linen tablecloths on the tables (good for controlling and viruses as the clothe soaks up the lipoid – fat that protects the molecule) Also they provide cold water and glasses on each table, you have to remove the ubiquitous mask to drink!

    Mike Collins

  5. Bruce Rutter

    Hi Ian, I agree with all of the above, thank you for your efforts to keep us informed and in touch during these difficult times. Bruce Rutter

  6. Hi Ian
    I agree with all the above, we are very fortunate to have your newsletter keeping all of us
    all up to date with club news.
    And the short tutorials on all phone ,tablets and computers is a great idea, and very helpful
    in these difficult times.
    Many Thanks
    Lynne Mak

  7. Jennie Heine

    Thanks Ian, very much appreciate the news letter. Reading the previous messages I agree pursue decrease in rent or no rent for a month? How about a social outing to the Red C especially if we don’t start the Monday meetings in the month of August?
    I like the on-line tutorials, is it possible to use Zoom for our meetings? Don’t fancy wearing a mask for 2.5 hours and glasses fog up! Happy to help in any way. Stay safe. Jennie Heine

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