Coffs Seniors Computer Club Newsletter 18th September 2021

Just a brief update on where we are at.

The current situation with the virus spread is very fluid. Virus traces have been found in Coffs Harbour sewage, I suspect (hope!) from a truck driver passing through town. All we need is a couple of positive cases showing up and we’re back in lockdown!

All the messages coming from the NSW Government indicate that full vaccination will be a prerequisite for every thing opening up. So, if you haven’t already done so, please get vaccinated.

The committee is meeting on Monday 20th to decide on a reopening plan. Here are some of the issues we will be looking at:

  • Obeying the one person per four square metre rule is our main stumbling block.
  • Restricting groups to 4-5 people.
  • Having on-line classes.
  • Meeting in small groups in cafes like Chill Out.
  • The first few meetings have short presentations to the whole club in main hall (similar to last year).
  • The first get together be a social event like a picnic.

Once we have developed our plan I will send out another newsletter asking for feedback.

Not sure about other committee members but I am finding it a bit hard kick starting the old brain back into life so any suggestions or feedback from our members will be gratefully received.

On a lighter note

From the sign on the escalator I think this is in Russia somewhere πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Ian Scott

4 thoughts on “Coffs Seniors Computer Club Newsletter 18th September 2021”

  1. Had my 2 stabs, who is going to use the baseball bat like in the video, let’s nominate !!

    Thanks Ian for the update

    Cheers Phyll T

  2. Judi and I have received our second Vaccine end of June will follow up for “Booster” early in 2022
    Neither of us had and bad side effects, All registered on our smart iPhones


    Mike Collins

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