Coffs Seniors Computer Club 20th Birthday!

The computer club has survived to 20 years of age!

On 27th August 2001 a group of people gathered at Park Beach Bowling Club to discuss the possibility of setting up a computer club specifically for seniors. The consensus was this was a good idea and Coffs Seniors Computer Club was duly formed and incorporated on 25th March 2002. At the first meeting there were 33 members. Of the founding members only Nola Woods is still active in the club.

On Monday August 1st 2022 we will have our 20th anniversary celebration. We will have our local member of NSW Parliament, Mr Gurmesh Singh MP, presenting 20, 15, and 10 year badges and certificates, to our worthy members and tutors, followed by a cuppa and cutting of the birthday cake.

For catering purposes it’s vital that you let us know if you will be attending. Please contact Mary (0439 581 770) or Kerin (0481 097 221) by Friday 29th July at the latest.

We hope our list of members receiving certificates is correct! Our record keeping has not been as accurate as it could over the last few years. If know of a member (yourself!) who has been in the club 10, 15 or twenty years, please tell Mary or Kerin.

Port Macquarie River Cruise Friday 29th July

There are still some tickets available for the river cruise in Port Macquarie on Friday 29th July.

Cost $50 per head

Boarding at 10:30am Returning at 2:30pm

We are car pooling so contact Phyllis on 0405 805 415 to arrange transport

As of today, Monday 18th July, we now have the ability to accept credit/debit card payments. So you can pay your daily $5.00 fee (to cover cost of hiring the hall!) and buy a raffle ticket with a tap and go card. No need to scrounge around for all that loose change anymore.


Our pervious long standing treasurer Bruce Rutter wanted to stand down so I nominated for the position of Treasurer as a temporary measure until we could find someone else for the job. Since I have been acting treasurer I have postponed my tutor duties. I feel I am of more value to the club providing tuition and support than counting cash.

So, is there any member willing to put their hand up to become treasurer. Ideally you should have some experience in basic accounting.

The club’s finances are pretty simple:

  • Annual Membership Fees
  • Daily Attendance fees
  • Raffle Money and Prizes
  • Paying rent on the hall
  • Paying other accounts like Service NSW, Insurance
  • Stationary etc.

I look forward to the rush of willing volunteers!


We are always looking for tutors to help out. When we talk about tutors we don’t mean ex school teachers with 30 years experience or someone with an extensive IT backbround. It can be as simple as helping a brand new club member find their way around the club.

We also need a lot more feedback from you, the members, on what you would like to learn. You suggest the topics and we can find which of our tutors can cover that. It does not have to be full on 6 week courses.

For example, how to fill in and sign an online form when you do not have access to a printer or scanner.

Bear in mind the club motto “Seniors Helping Seniors”.


Ian Scott

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